Podcast Like The Pros

Produce a high-quality, professional-sounding show with a small team or a small budget.

Podcasts are unlike any other medium.

I've been podcasting since 2018. And during that time, I've come to believe two things about podcasting:

  1. Podcasts are one of the most lucrative assets you can build
  2. Podcasts are one of the most difficult assets you can build

When someone listens to your podcast, they form an incredibly strong relationship with you as a host. Not only that, but they form that relationship FASTER than they do in other mediums.

That relationship is rooted in trust – and trust is the fuel that a creator business runs on.

So if you succeed in podcasting, you will succeed as a creator.

The magic is in production.

Over the last several years, podcasting has gotten more and more competitive.

The space is filled with professional entertainers and networks that have more resources and experience than most new, independent podcasters.

As a result, listeners have raised their expectations of what a GOOD show sounds like.

In order for you to find traction and attract listeners, you will need to create a high-quality, professional-sounding show.

You don't have the resources of NPR.

You probably don't have any experience with editing audio.

That's OK – I didn't either.

This course will show you exactly how I produce Creator Science (formerly Creative Elements).

You'll learn how to create a great-sounding show without having to learn audio engineering yourself.

1,500,000+ downloads 📈

That's how many downloads Creator Science has generated since it launched in March 2020.

It's a high-production show on the HubSpot Podcast Network. It won a 2022 Signal Award and has been featured on Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Stitcher, and Pocket Casts.

I'll show you how I began working with a podcast network (before the show even launched) and how I've grown the show to this point as well.

Your launch matters!

A lot of people will tell you to just start publishing. They'll tell you that your first episodes don't really matter.

But I believe the LAUNCH of your show is one of your most important, marketable events.

Thanks to a strong launch, Creator Science reached 500,000 downloads in its first 12 months.

Podcasts can build a world-class network.

As a byproduct of creating a great interview show, you'll have the opportunity to meet incredible guests.

I've spoken with:

  • Seth Godin
  • James Clear
  • Codie Sanchez
  • Guy Raz
  • Hrishikesh Hirway
  • Ali Abdaal
  • Matt D'Avella
  • Austin Kleon
  • Sahil Bloom

...and many, many more.

Podcasts start a relationship that may open doors months or years down the line.

And, in this course, I'll show you the exact outreach approach I take to book these guests.

Seth Godin

James Clear

Tim Urban

Codie Sanchez

Guy Raz

Ali Abdaal

Now I want to help you.

One of the most frequent questions I'm asked is how I got these results and how I make the show sound so good.

I put a ton of work into Creative Elements. I'm very proud of it. My goal is to create a show that sounds as good as something on NPR or Gimlet.

But...I'm just one guy. I don't have the skills or resources that those big shows have. So I've learned to adapt and do the best that I can with what I have. I don't spend a ton of money on production, but the show sounds really, really good.

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A little bit about my process...

For every episode of my show, I'm concerned with telling a good story. Good stories have a narrative arch, every bit of the story is purposeful, and it is engaging.

Most interviews don't sound like that out-of-the-box. So I spend a lot of time reorganizing, cutting, scripting, recording voiceover, and pulling in external audio.

In this course, I walk you through how I think about those creative decisions and how I do it all in ~5 hours of work.

Listen for yourself...

More than 350 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews

People seem to like it!

Who this course is for

❌ This course will not teach you audio engineering. But it will teach you how to hire an engineer!

✅ This course is built specifically for people who want to produce a high-quality, professional-sounding show with a very small team and/or a tight budget.

✅ This course will teach you everything you need to know to start, launch, and even market your podcast.

Here's what's inside...

  Module 1: Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Ideation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Audio Quality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Interviewing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Production
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Marketing Your Show
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Advertising and Sponsorship
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Podcast Networks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9: Conclusion
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Hundreds of students have taken Podcast Like The Pros

Don't just take my word for it...

Alex and Ally from the Feelanthrope podcast recorded this kind review!

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Photo of Jay Clouse

Hey, I'm Jay Clouse 👋

I've been podcasting since 2018. My first podcast, upside, has more than 200 episodes and 200,000 total downloads.

In 2020, I took what I learned to launch Creator Science. Since then, Creator Science has nearly 2,000,000 downloads and 350+ five-star reviews.

I'm constantly complimented on the quality of the show, which I owe to the process I'm teaching in this course. You can have a high-quality show too, even with a small team.